Kaalchakara : The Wheel of Time
Research Journal on how Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions by Rakesh Jamwal)un.
Marvel of Vedic Astrology
Research Journal on Blind Chart analysis By Rajesh Kotkal.
The Divine Codes Volume 1 | Issue 1 | by Team Divine Codes
The divine codes journal is an untimely periodical related to Many divine subjects. This includes Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality.
The Divine Codes Volume 2 | Issue 1 | by Team Divine Codes
The divine codes journal is an untimely periodical related to Many divine subjects. This includes Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality.
The Divine Codes Volume 3 | Issue 1 | October 2016 | By Team Divine Codes
The divine codes journal is an untimely periodical related to Many divine subjects. This includes Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Research Journal on Ancient Vedic Astro meteorology of India | November 2018
Monday, November 5, 2018
The Divine Codes Volume 5 Released | by Team Divine Codes | October 2018

Dear Readers,
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
The Divine Codes Volume 3 | Issue 1 | October 2016 | By Team Divine Codes
• Astrology in ayurvedic classics | Page No-2 | By Guru R
* Note :This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.
The Divine Codes Volume 2 | Issue 1 | by Team Divine Codes
Check out first look of Articles Published so far
1) Dasham bhava, karmas and the boomeranging | Page 1| by Alok Jagawat
2) saturn & rahu’s unique combination - impact on native’s health | Page 8 | bySastry Karra
3) -- எழுத்தாளர்:கின்னரன் --| Page 11 | by Mr.Karthik Ramamoorthy (Article in Tamil )
4) kaalchakra ; effects of planetary transits on lunar mansions | Page 31 | by Rocky Suryavansi
5) The biggest obstacle to world peace | Page 48 | By Jeremy Old
6) The math of lines: jeeva rekha, the journey of a soul | Page 54 | By Alok Jagawat
7) love marriage: an astrological upshot | Page 58 | By Søulful Subhra
8) Navamansha strength of grahas valid? check out punya chakra! | Page 66 | By Mr.Utpal Pathak
9) Planetary combinations for a successful astrologer | Page 69 | By Søulful Subhra
10) Yanavichara: types of vehicles in vastu | Page 79 | By Alok Jagawat
11) Robin williams, tony scott. suicides: an astrological case study | Page 82 | By Alok Jagawat
12) Astro meteorology research study on monsoon 2015 | Page 86 | By Rocky Suryavansi
13) The man who saw tomorrow | Page 104 | By Rocky Suryavansi
* Note :This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.
The Divine Codes Volume 1 | Issue 1 | by Team Divine Codes
" The Divine Codes " - 1st Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects (Free Downloadable )
- Secret Ayurvedic formulae in Astrology by Alok Jagawat
- The Wonders of Neechbhanga Rajayoga by Shubra Goswami
- Unmarried Woman. (Spinster), astrological Perspective by Sastry Kara
- Flood Fury and heavy rains In Jammu and Kashmir 2014 by Rakesh Jamwal
- The science of Meditation by Vishal Sood
- The earthquake in Nepal by Rakesh Jamwal
- Ascension of the Earth: Decoded by Vishal Sood
- Names, signs and their significance in vastu : Kaankini Chakram by Alok Jagawat
- Unlocking the Mystery of Past Birth - Part : Past Life Astrology & Past Life Regression by Rakesh Jamwal
- Nagmani : The Secrets Of Snake Stones by Alok Jagawat
- Nadi Mooka Prasna. Secrets of answering unknown questions by Alok Jagawat
The Divine Codes Volume 4 | Issue by Team Divine Codes
We are Extremely Glad to inform that we have released 4th issue of the Research Journal based e-Magazine - The Divine Codes.

Friday, March 2, 2018
Kaalchakara : The Wheel of Time, Research Journal on how Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions by Rakesh Jamwal)
In Mundane Astrology, Time is connected with transiting planets over different nakshatras and degrees. The day an event triggered and Life progression in earth is preciously based on the movement of the moon in those stars. As moon progresses life grows in the earth and follows the system of night and day with the sun. Same way in the natal chart vimsotri dashas signifies how important events are connected with the nakshatras and our mind and the body setup.
This shows how our state of mind changes significantly in those 29 days in a month when the moon changes significantly in transiting over different-different nakshatras with slow and fast-moving planets. This also shows how an important event has a deep impact on our psychological and biological system.
Clearly justifies everything is relative in cosmos.Likewise, the Sun is responsible for the creation, same as the moon is responsible for the life and growth process and shows how we are connected with the day and night system.
This shows everything is relative to each other; both time and Space are in relation to Kaal Chakra system.
Same way every planetary movement has its unique role in displaying meaningful and eventful results in human life.
We have seen how the wheel of time is exclusively linked with creation since the beginning of a cosmic era and how different planetary alignments with sun and moon invoke dynamic results in different signs and lunar mansions.
For Complete Article on the understanding of wheel of time, download below mentioned ebook:
Marvel of Vedic Astrology - Research Journal on Blind Chart analysis By Rajesh Kotkal
‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native only by looking into the horoscope, without having a prior knowledge about the native. Astrologers practice this method for many reasons: for birth-time rectification, to bring faith in the client about the efficacy of astrology, to test the astrological techniques, to find out which method suits best for the given case, and to demonstrate his/her predictive abilities.
To do ‘blind chart analysis’ successfully an astrologer should have very sound knowledge of the subject, vast experience, good intuition and a bit of luck also. Though I use both conventional methods and naadi techniques of Vedic Astrology in my practice, the Nandi Naadi method is the main tool for almost 95%. It will normally take 10-20 minutes to formulate these questions. Applying the Naadi rules given in my book SARFAROSH is the key to my success. I do not claim infallibility, and it is also not possible in predictive sciences like astrology. If more than 75-80% of events predicted turn out to be true then you may consider an astrologer to be successful.
After I shared few case studies of blind chart analysis on my facebook page I got several requests to reveal the astrological logic/reason behind the events that I have predicted. This small book is the result. This book contains 10 case studies where I have applied the technique of ‘blind chart analysis’ – predicting the past and present condition of the native without knowing anything beforehand.